Saturday, February 27, 2010

Network Load Balance on Windows 2003

Step by Step for NLB

To create a NLB, below are some steps that can be followed (especially in the OS Windows 2003):

1. Prepare the servers will be used to NLB, including setting Directory
2. Copy the entire Web site will be made to the server NLB (exactly the same as the first website: can use the IIS Migration Tool to transfer from the IIS config, Install components used, the ODBC settings, etc.)
3. First testing each of the NLB servers results (can be made with the Public IP to control new first)
4. If every server that is used for NLB is running according to the origin, the next step is to create a NLB.
5. To create a NLB, NLB can select the menu in the OS menu
7. Create a public IP that will be used as the front door as the NLB Home (Virtual)
8. If step No. 7 was successful, then create a cluster from any other server.
9. From the menu select the menu add NLB cluster, and enter the external IP of the server that created NLB servers
10. so on until all the servers in NLB successfully add the main server.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

SQL Server Error Message - Could not create an acceptable cursor

This is a solution for the errors that arise when using the LINK server between MSSQL database server. If you use the LINK server name it Server A and Server B, then created a procedure in Server A, where the procedure is to read the data available in the link server B.

At the time the procedure is run on server A and will update the server B (Insert / Update / Delete) but it appears the following error:

Server: Msg 16955, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not create an acceptable cursor.
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "xx.xx.xx.xx" returned message "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

That happens because the server used table B there is no Unique Index or Primary Key. So the solution can be given is:
- Tables are used in servers LINK B add Primary Key or Unique Index (Non-clustered).

If you've added, then the error will be resolved.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

SAN Storage to Repair

Tgl 25 Jan lalu, sebenarnya akan ada pemasangan Harddisk baru untuk SAN Storage, tetapi ternyata di mesin SAN tersebut terdapat 2 harddisk yang error (amber).  Karena masih ada harddisk yang belum terpasang maka harddisk tersebut digunakan untuk menggantikan harddisk yang error tersebut.

Harddisk lama dicabut, dan dimasukkan/diganti dengan harddisk baru. Setelah melakukan sinkronisasi data selama kurang lebih 40 menit harddisk hasil sinkronisasi masih error (amber). Kemudian dilakukan hal serupa untuk harddisk yang error satunya lagi, kali ini hasilnya berhasil.

Namun dengan adanya harddisk yg error tersebut, pekerjaan pemasangan harddisk baru jadi tertunda, dan migrasi Server DB-nya ikut tertunda juga.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Business

 In the near future, an effort experiment I'll try to do. Where in this business I've done a few times and information retrieval of data from various places, and I will try to apply and implement.

Yes I will try to make a side business, but this effort never before I try and do. This new business for me and if successful I will develop more in other places.

Spirit and keep the positive

Indonesian Version :

Dalam waktu dekat ini, suatu usaha percobaan akan saya coba lakukan. Dimana dalam usaha ini saya sudah beberapa kali lakukan pengambilan data dan informasi dari berbagai tempat, dan akan saya coba terapkan dan implementasikan.

Ya saya akan coba membuat suatu usaha sampingan, namun usaha ini sebelumnya belum pernah saya coba maupun lakukan. Ini usaha baru untuk saya dan jika berhasil saya akan kembangkan lebih banyak lagi di tempat lain.

Semangat dan tetap berpikir positif.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Fishing again....

This new year I mark by doing activities that I had not done, that is fishing in the sea. Almost one year I was not fishing in the sea. Well coincidence with many holidays at the end of 2009 and 2010 new year, so I do to implement this my favorite one. And finally implemented on 1 January 2010.